This is me...

I am so glad your path has crossed my page and the work of my hands and heart.

Photography has been part of who I am for as long as I can remember. We're talking making shoebox cameras, square flash bulbs, my moms Polaroid and 4-H contests.

I have waded into water, waited in a delivery room for the final push, been in a crowd, in a field, in a candy store, on top of a building and left random notes asking to rent old VW buses, all in the name of creating and capturing life through a lens. Believe me when I say, nothing is out of the question, and I'm always up for the adventure!

While I do not take professional shoots anymore, I still live for having a camera in hand. You can follow me on instagram, or check back here for updated images.

Thank you for taking a minute of your life to be a part of mine.

May your adventures be many and your days be full.
